AMA Recap : Altcoin Alerts x Pandora Protocol
Altcoin Alerts Community had an Ask Me Anything session with Ankit Raj (Project Lead) from Pandora Protocol Team on 23rd May 2021

Segment 1: Pandora Protocol introduction & Q/A with Altcoin Alerts Team
Altcoin Alerts: Ankit, Welcome to the group. We’re glad to have you today.
Ankit Raj: Hi, Nice to e-meet you all..
Altcoin Alerts: So Ankit tell us, how are you doing today?
Ankit Raj: I am doing good. Thanks for asking
Hope you guys are also doing great!!
Altcoin Alerts: Yes absolutely
Are you all set for today’s AMA?
Ankit Raj: Yes. We can start!
Altcoin Alerts: Let us start the AMA with introduction.
Can you please introduce yourself & your journey in the cryptocurrency field? Also please introduce Pandora Protocol.
Ankit Raj: Myself Ankit. I joined Pandora 5 months back as Product Lead. In past I have worked with Red Hat, Ocean Protocol, and few other startups. I have also won multiple hackathon across the globe.
Pandora is a hybrid Open Finance solution for the problems faced by both traditional finance and decentralised finance. We envision the transaction of real-world assets on the trustless and decentralised platform in a borderless economy. Our scalable, interoperable and high throughput infrastructure converts the illiquid state of NFT to the liquid state for both Real-world and digital assets.
Technically, Pandora is the middle layer solution that is inducing liquidity to NFT created on Pandora and other platforms. Developers can also plug and play their Dapp to the Pandora Protocol and provide liquidity to the user’s NFT.
Altcoin Alerts: Impressive
Ankit Raj: Thanks
Altcoin Alerts: That’s what we call a nice introduction 🙌
Asking the next one..
Very excited about Pandora marketplace, where user can Buy-Sell-Swap their assets? Can you tell us more about its features?
Ankit Raj: Buy/Sell is just one feature. We are providing the liquidity in the NFT generated on our platform as well as other platforms.
Along with that there will be other features like cross-chain transactions.
These things we are uniquely combining in an innovative solution called PiNFT. Details about PiNFT can be read at
Altcoin Alerts: Can we expect more great features like these in the near future?
Ankit Raj: Yes ..these are already there 🙂
Altcoin Alerts: Could you please explain us how the “Lend & Borrow” feature for real-world assets will work?
Ankit Raj: Lend & Borrow feature we are not bringing in Version 1. It’s in the roadmap but for the later version. We want to first induce liquidity in the whole NFT ecosystem along with cross-chain transaction.
Details about our product can be found at our founder blog:
Altcoin Alerts: We’re waiting for this great one 🤩
Ankit Raj: Yeah, we are on it :)
Thanks for your patience
Altcoin Alerts: Please shed some light on all other products and feature Pandora Protocol is offering and an initial roadmap for that.
Ankit Raj: In a short period, we were fortunate to build the beta version of our product with very few team members. Along with that, we have also closed a small amount of early-stage of money to develop the product. On the business side there are 3 products getting built on Pandora.
Our roadmap is built on quarter to quarter basis.
First-quarter we were able to build a Beta version of the product and secure a small fund to develop the product.
In the second quarter, we are going on main-net along with a token launch event.
For the third quarter, we will be working on the cross-chain transaction and other innovations.
Also, there is exciting development going on in this vertical. 3 products are getting built on the Pandora stack.
KylyX : A marketplace for digital and real-world assets.
BOX: An innovation zone built on top of Pandora SDK where cross-chain transaction and few other exciting features coming up.
Kalel: A social token NFT dapp getting built on Pandora.
All three projects are getting built on Pandora and boosting up the NFT ecosystem. More details around that are coming soon.
Altcoin Alerts: Guys, join & stay tuned with every update from Pandora Protocol.
When can we expect the initial or Testnet version of Pandora Platform to go live for users?
Ankit Raj: We have already tested out the beta test net version with our initial customers and are happy with that. We have given our contract for auditing to our audit partner Zokyo. Once the audit is complete, we will release the product on main-net.
Altcoin Alerts: Hoping it for soon
Ankit Raj: Less than 1 month..after the :)
Altcoin Alerts: Last question for you Ankit
Our audience is very excited to know about Pandora public sale/IDO. Also please share Pandora’s backers/investors and partners.
Ankit Raj: Thanks to the audience. Audience excitement pushes us to work more hard. Yes, we are doing IDO on 2nd June on Ignition. Many great investors have backed. To name few, we have X21, AU21, NGC Venture, Genesis Block Venture, Zokyo Capital, Magnus Capital, Spark Digital Assets and few others.
We have many news coming up. Please join our telegram for more update:
Segment 2: Pandora Protocol Q/A with Community
Q1. What is the vision and mission of the Pandora Protocol for DEFI? What makes the Pandora protocol stand out and different from similar projects?
Ankit Raj: To bring the liquidity in the NFT space.
Q2. How do you ensure that the platform is safe for investors? Is the platform protected by hackers? And how to manage the platform being attacked, including the personal data of platform users? Is your platform ready?
Ankit Raj: Our all code are getting audited first before getting push on main net. We have already partnered with Zokyo for audit.
Q3. What kind of privileges does Pandora’s marketplace give in trading our assets, and what are the transaction fees we would pay in exchange transactions?
Ankit Raj: Liquidity induction and cross chain transaction.
Q4. Could you tell me a little bit about Your roadmap going forward, how do you plan onboarding users and gaining more adoption for Your project?
Ankit Raj: Our work is segmented quarterly.
For the first-quarter, we developed the beta version of our product and raised a small amount of money to kickstart the project.
For 2nd quarter our goal is to release token and have main-net launch.
For 3rd quarter we will start working on DAO and cross-chain features
Q5. Is your project a local project or a global project? Can anyone use your services from anywhere in the world? Is there any restriction of using your service?
Ankit Raj: Global Project
Q6. In order to be able to call it community-driven, what role does the community play in the governance of your crypto ecosystem? Which members of the community can participate in decision-making?
Ankit Raj: Yes we have plan for DAO. TOken holders will be able to participate
Q7. How about indian regulations, will this affect how companies use the platform? If the company is in an unregulated country, can they still use the platform?
Ankit Raj: Pandora is an infra solution.We are helping developer and Product Owner to built product on our protocol
Q8. What are some of your goals/targets that you want to achieve in this ongoing year?
Ankit Raj: Our work is segmented quarterly.
For the first-quarter, we developed the beta version of our product and raised a small amount of money to kickstart the project.
For 2nd quarter our goal is to release token and have main-net launch.
For 3rd quarter we will start working on DAO and cross-chain features
Q9. No one can achieve anything valuable on its own, please tell us about your current and future partnerships that will lead you to success in this highly cramped crypto space?
Ankit Raj: We have did partnership with OroPocket and Unmarshal. Many others are also lined up..
Q10. Binance Smart Chain (BSC) is trending right now. Is your project interested or is there a plan to enter the world of BSC?
Ankit Raj: Yes. thats in the plan as well.
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