Altcoin Alerts x Froyo Games AMA Recap

Altcoin Alerts
8 min readJan 18, 2022


Altcoin Alerts Community had an Ask Me Anything session with Pochi (Team) from Froyo Games on 17th Jan 2022

Segment 1: Froyo Games Introduction & Q/A with Altcoin Alerts Team

Altcoin Alerts: Hi Pochi

Pochi: GM GM! Happy to be here!

Altcoin Alerts: You are welcomed to Altcoin Alerts Community

Pochi: Thank you

Altcoin Alerts: Nice to have you here
So, how are the things going?

Pochi: It’s good! I hope everyone is having a great 2022 so far, happy new year!

Altcoin Alerts: To you too
Let us start with introduction.
Can you please introduce yourself & your journey in the cryptocurrency field? Also, please introduce Froyo Games.

Pochi: Of course! Hello hello! My name is Pochi and I’m the resident llama here at Froyo Games. I got into Crypto a few years ago when Ethereum was getting popular. Can’t believe time has passed so fast. It’s halfway through January already!
So Froyo Games is a blockchain gaming platform. Think about Steam and Epic Games — except that we’re going to be the platform for blockchain games to congregate in and play together.
So, our team may be anonymous but we have serious backing from serious investors like Bigcoin Capital, GameFi, Newman Capital and our main investor, Animoca Brands. The team here at Froyo Games is made up of people from many walks of life who have one thing in common — we’re passionate about games. We’re experienced game makers and developers and we’re here to build our new home in the metaverse.

Altcoin Alerts: Nice
Users can earn, trade, stake, farm and swap game assets on Froyo Games platform. Please tell us more about this.

Pochi: Alright. Short question but since there’s a few things, let’s go one-by-one
First, we wanna make sure anyone can have fun on our platform, without thinking too much about what happens in the back. That’s why we emphasise on having Play-to-Earn mechanics in our games so that you don’t need to have a whale’s wallet just to start playing. You can earn your way up too!
Now about trading — this is where we wanna talk about our in-game assets. You don’t just own these tokens for paying for stuff, your in-game items are now NFTs which can be traded on your own terms because you have true ownership of them.
Farming is part of our staking program where we let you choose how you want to stake your $FROYO tokens and what rewards you want to receive. Choose from flexible staking to ve-mechanism staking options, and rewards from token allocations for upcoming games on the platform or staking rewards in $FROYO tokens.
As for Swap, you can get $FROYO tokens on PancakeSwap in less than 24 hours from now, our public sale is tomorrow! We’re so excited!! :D

Altcoin Alerts: There are multiple upcoming games coming on Froyo Games platform as we can see info on the website. Are these all inhouse developed games and when are we expecting the release of these games?

Pochi: I see you like games too! That’s fantastic!

Altcoin Alerts: Everyone does.
I guess

Pochi: those who don’t, they secretly do ;)

Altcoin Alerts: absolutely

Pochi: Now here’s the thing — None of these games that are coming up are developed in-house. We instead work with our strategic developers, who span a network of over 500 staff members combined. The games you see are from a variety of developers like Jearicverse and iCandy Interactive. Some of these games will be playable at launch while some of these games can already be downloaded and played because we are helping these strategic developers implement blockchain magic into their games through the Froyo platform and thus, will get a very special update very soon!

Altcoin Alerts: Got it.
This is kind of marketplace of games, like Steam and Epic Games
Please correct me if I am wrong

Pochi: Correct, except we build from the blockchain first. Many game companies now struggle to integrate blockchain because they think of it as just a feature. For us, we make this our foundation

Altcoin Alerts: Great!
Please tell us about all the features of Froyo Games platform like Store, GameBox etc in details.

Pochi: Okay! Another short question with a long answer, since there’s a lot to talk about
The Store is the Froyo Marketplace, our one-stop destination for buying, trading and selling both fungible and non-fungible tokens from games and experiences on the Froyo platform. Players get to trade with peace of mind — and game developers get to use it as their marketplace too, reducing or eliminating the need for them to create a marketplace just for their game.
GameBox is a sister product of the Froyo Games platform. Its where anyone can play casual games to win tickets that they can use to enter raffles, with prizes ranging from sponsored branded goods to limited-edition NFTs. Unlike an e-sports tournament, GameBox is fun — and since there’s some luck involved, anyone who plays has a chance to win!
We also will have the Froyo NFT Launchpad. This is where we showcase and signal boost the most promising projects on the platform, giving them the resources they need to shine and succeed.
Last but not least — we have the Froyo SDK and NFT Dashboard. These will be made available to developers who wish to publish on the Froyo platform and will be designed to be easy to use so no one needs to go back to school and relearn how to code. The NFT dashboard then lets developers easily mint their game items into NFTs.
so game developers can focus on what they do best — making fun and awesome games for everyone.

Altcoin Alerts: Seems like one-stop thing

Pochi: That’s what we hope to be!

Altcoin Alerts: Interesting
Can you please share some information about IDO of Froyo Games?

Pochi: Tomorrow evening is the public sale! You can follow us on Twitter and enable notifications to know when it starts. We will be listing on Pancakeswap and our token is on the Binance Smart Chain, with the token contract 0xe369fec23380f9F14ffD07a1DC4b7c1a9fdD81c9

Altcoin Alerts: For convenience, here is the link:

Pochi: Oh! Thank you :)

Altcoin Alerts: no worries

Segment 2: Twitter Questions

Q1. Why are people holding $FROYO tokens for the future? Some coins/tokens will be discarded after the presale, how will your team handle this? How did you find a way to turn the dumper into this project holder?
Pochi: Hey buddy, here’s the thing
There will always be paper hands. What we do is we look towards the future and set ourselves up to give value to the $FROYO token through its community and ecosystem. We will have ve-mechanism staking so that $FROYO can be a token that keeps on giving. You don’t just get to choose to HODL, you get to choose how you want to HODL. That’s one of the great things about $FROYO.

Q2. For your roadmap I would like to ask What are your targets in 2021 and 2022 that you are focusing on? Will #realfroyogames enter the NFT industry in the future? Do you think of adding NFT to your next portfolio?
Pochi: The future is now, my friend. Froyo Games is NFT gaming redefined because we’re building the ecosystem and platform for great games and experiences to take flight.
We’re also here for those who missed out on the earlier days of NFT. That’s why we have the SDK and other tools for them to get their head in the game swiftly and embrace this revolution. NFTs are here to stay — and Froyo is giving them a home.

Q3. What is the uniqueness of “realfroyogame’ not be found in other project that’s been released so far?
Pochi: As a platform, we care about many things beyond just the price of our token. We care for the community, so we commit to building a safe space to earn and trade. We care for the developers, so we give them the tools to participate. We care for the investors, so we give them the choice of how they want to HODL. We care for the creators, so we’re going to work with them to create incredible, limited-edition NFTs to immortalise their brand and creations.
The best part? We’re just getting started. We took years of experience across the members of our team who have been making games for a good part of their lives and we built Froyo Games — Metaverse gaming by real game makers.

Segment 3: Froyo Games Q/A with Community

Q1. Have you thought of launching your own wallet, which will make it very easy to buy anything from Froyo Marketplace?
Pochi: I haven’t seen a question like this before and I really like this one. There are many wallets out there and some can be really hard to use. Instead we incorporate Metamask and WalletConnect on our platform to make things easier. The issue with creating a new wallet system is that we will need to maintain it, make sure its secure and convince people that it is safe enough for them to key their seed phrase into it.

Q2. Froyo Cryptantcrab game that was born in Ethereum so what were your plans to reduce ETH gas fees? And what is the main purpose of Froyo Games? Play to earn money? Who chose the name? And in which chain is Froyo planning to launch his second game?
Pochi: Cryptantcrab has been too expensive to play on Ethereum now, that’s why we are working to bring the game to BSC instead to make it more affordable and efficient. We are focussing on BSC now, especially for the token launch which will be on BSC — Our games will most likely use BSC as well.
But we want to keep things open, so we are considering supporting more EVM chains in the future, like Polygon/Matic

Q3. Can you please tell us what does AAA Games mean? In which was this is important for the Froyo Games?
Pochi: AAA games are big blockbuster games that are usually released by big game studios. Think about games like Grand Theft Auto, Call of Duty etc. We want to enable big games like those, especially the ones with an e-sports scene to be on the blockchain too.
Right now not many blockchain games have this quality. It’s time to change that and show the world that NFT and Blockchain gaming is the future and it’s here to stay.

Q4. How much your team have raised to organise events, Activities, tasks, etc to entertain community on regular interval basis? Please share your plans & reward for those events?
Pochi: We are looking into this! However, we also want to nurture an active community, therefore what we are also doing is building a system to incentivise community leadership, like leading guilds and organising events for the community, we will reward some of these community members with $FROYO tokens.

Q5. As I see the Token Supply of Froyo Games token is quite high as 1 000 000 000. Since the token supply is high; what plans do you have to increase the token value? Do you have any token burn or buy back plan?
Pochi: We will not do any token burning to increase value. This is because we are committed to building a platform that gives value to the token and not just playing with supply and demand to pump prices.
Our community is the centre of this system, not just plain supply/demand. We give our token more value through commitment to the ecosystem, to build it, keep it safe and make it a great place for everyone, whether you’re a whale or a newbie. Let’s celebrate together. That’s the real value.



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