Altcoin Alerts x Crypto Fight Club AMA Recap

Altcoin Alerts

Altcoin Alerts Community had an Ask Me Anything session with Ashton (Project Lead) from Crypto Fight Club on 2nd Nov 2021

Segment 1: Crypto Fight Club Introduction & Q/A with Altcoin Alerts Team

Altcoin Alerts: Hey there Ashton, welcome to Altcoin Alerts Community
Glad to have you

Ashton: Howdy, Thanks for having me on.

Altcoin Alerts: What’s good Ashton?

Ashton: I have been grinding, my friend. Actively fundraising, hitting all the marketing spots, designing new fighters, and blessed to have the opportunity to be in the space during some hot times.
How you living?

Altcoin Alerts: Pretty awesome. Thanks

Ashton: I was telling Deepak earlier that you guys in this community alone pay out more rewards than most government stimulus checks. Props to you guys.

Altcoin Alerts: Thanks Ashton
😂 and More than rewards we focus on good quality projects so that people can make some profit in participating in public and pre sales

Ashton: Deepak 4 President.

Altcoin Alerts: okay
Let us start with the introduction.
Can you please introduce yourself & your journey in the cryptocurrency field? Also, please introduce Crypto Fight Club.

Ashton: Yes sir.
I wandered into the Bitcoin scene back in 2015, working on Bitcoin ATMs and educating people all around the world about the importance of financial freedom and Bitcoin’s use cases (at the time). Spending 2 years at this company, I had the opportunity to grow and build it to the largest Bitcoin ATM network in the entire world (not joking, we had 300+ ATMs planted worldwide by 2017). This gave me the opportunity to learn marketing, operations, and programming, as we were looking to spread further adoption to other altcoins people were interested in buying.
Shortly after I left in 2017, I joined in on a premier ICO marketing firm that helped with the rebranding of Antshares to NEO, helped set up events and all communications for Polymath, and worked on building new solutions and marketing advantages for Wirex. This allowed me to gather more skin in the altcoin/defi scene as I continued to learn more about marketing and growth hacking in crypto. It’s a completely different game than traditional businesses.
Later, around late 2019, I had been offered the opportunity to help crypto companies do OTC deals at an off-shore bank. The bank helped a lot of different UHNWI and crypto start ups move funds and provide fiat rails / payment solutions for their customers/employees.
AFTER THAT (breathing), around March 2020, I started my own marketing company. This marketing company, after 1.5 years of being in business is one of the most reputable PR/marketing firms in the entire industry. Not only going back to what I love, quality marketing, I was able to directly connect with clients and big businesses under my own name. It’s a feeling like no other that I recommend everyone trying, in any kind of business they find passionate.
As I continue running my firm, I decided to jump into the gaming sphere with a couple different games, but mostly, Crypto Fight Club. I have a strong history in competitive gaming being a sponsored MLG gamer in 2008–2009 FPS like Modern Warfare 1 & 2. I have a very strong feeling that gaming and crypto is a match made in heaven and I would like to expand on this as much as I can, helping expedite adoption and putting food on people’s plates with play2earn game economics.
Here’s a lil pic of me at Emory University giving a presentation to PhD grads and professors.

Altcoin Alerts: Crypto Fight Club has a very interesting Staking mechanism, where user can stake $FIGHT token to increase abilities of Fighter in Game. Please tell us more about this “Stake Fight Win”.

Ashton: Oh, yeah. It’s hot (said every crypto person ever).
My favorite design trait of the entire system is probably our staking mechanism. Simiarly to HEX (for all my Hexicans out there), we designed a currency with a lucrative burning/minting mechanism that eliminates the need for middlemen and counterparty risk.
Staking is only available through our BEP721 enabled NFT fighters (which will also be playable in PvE and PvP).
When you stake $FIGHT, you earn interest from a legacy time deposit model based on a fixed inflation of 1% annually (10m coins minted annually/divided daily).
When you stake $FIGHT into an NFT, you get to choose the time-lock on the stake (1 day, 1 week, 6 months, 1 year, etc) and you earn interest not only on the time spent staking, but the amount locked.
Now, staking is divided into 2 pools. One method is that you can acquire $FIGHT and stake directly into your NFT. When you do this, you earn only 30% of the annual 1% inflation, divided my however many stakers + amount staked in this pool. If you provide liquidity on Pancake and take back your LP version of $FIGHT and stake this- you will play a role in providing liquidity (and earning on that), plus be a part of the remaining 70% of the 1% of the annual inflation. We incentivize those that provide liqudity with much higher rewards and APY.
Also, whenever a stakable BEP721 is purchased with $FIGHT, those $FIGHT tokens are sent to the black hole contract address and are burned forever.
Similarly to early-stage yield farming, you will earn a massive APY at the beginning and when others come in, it will dilute. However, over time, the inflation will catch up to the amount staked and reward people with a parabolic trend of interest earned.
ALSO, when you stake for a minimum of 1 year inside your fighter NFT, your fighter NFT increases 20% in stats (attack, defense, technique), making them an absolute powerhouse in the arena.

Altcoin Alerts: There are different type of NFTs (Crypto Fighters, Gears etc) in the game, please tell us about that and use case of FIGHT token in the ecosystem.

Ashton: We will have 3 different BSC enabled tokens.

  1. BEP-20: Native token of $FIGHT
  2. BEP-721: Playable and stakable NFT fighters
  3. BEP-1155: Wearables that increase stats like gloves, boots, shorts, etc.

$FIGHT will play a role in the NFT purchasing, eliminating supply to create scarcity, and will be used for our Bid2Earn model, where users can bid on new upcoming NFTs and earn just for participating, AND it will be used in our PvP wagering system.

Altcoin Alerts: Interesting
For everyone who is excited about Crypto Fight Club public sale/IDO, please share IDO info. Also, please share your backers/investors and partners.

Ashton: As I’m still fundraising, I cannot disclose a lot of this information. However, I will tell you, if you go to, you will find that we will be hosting an IGO with them come beginning/middle of December. They are a huge backer and resourceful partner to have.
We will be launching off another notable IDO platform, but that cannot be disclosed atm. 🤫
We are partners with 2 crypto firms that are absolute gems in marketing and design, which are MohrWolfe and Click Blue. Both partners helps expand media relations, marketing, and design of CFC.

Segment 2: Twitter Questions

Q1. If I not play the game, am I still able to generate passive income by staking the NFTs in CRYPTO FIGHT CLUB? please share to us every ways to generate earn in CRYPTO FIGHT CLUB?
Ashton: Yes, you will be able to earn in 3–4 different ways in Crypto Fight Club.

  1. Should you hold an NFT, you can stake without even playing the game. You will still earn a min APY of 55.5% in the first batch of 5000 NFTs.
  2. You CAN play the game in PvE mode and similarly to Axie, accomplish different objectives given and you earn x amount of tokens.
  3. You can stake your NFT and if you don’t want to stake anymore, you can sell it on the open market w/ the interest and principle staked. This is what we call a transferrable time deposit and some people would pay a premium for it.
  4. You can sponsor different teams participating in tournaments, similar to scholarships in Axie.

Or take losers money by beating them in wager matches. 😈

Q2. On the website, only one NFT character was feature and that is “Cashius”. Are there several other NFT characters that are based from real-life boxers?
Ashton: Correct — some boxers and fighting legends will be inspired from past time favorites. Others, that we onboard legally, will be featured by name and helping us spread the first rule of Crypto Fight Club.

Q3. Mobile games are popular this year and possibly in the future because they are simple & can be played anywhere & at any time. Will your game be available on the Playstore/Appstore or only on Dapps? How can I play your game?
Ashton: This is such a good question and I get it all the time.
I would like to create a mobile game, because the market is massive for it. I think more people play games on their phone than actual consoles and PCs if I’m not mistaken.
It’s extremely lucrative and it will be on our plate, but as good software and game development goes, we will take the route of creating a web dApp and later converting this to mobile. It really shouldn’t be that hard with the simplicity and tech we have been graced with in 2021.

Segment 3: Crypto Fight Club Q/A with Community

Q1. Marketing is very important for all project. Can you please tell the main plans of CFC for marketing? Do you plan to focus on more partnerships or will you try to spread the knowledge of CFC by influencers?
Ashton: A big mix of both. I run a PR marketing firm so this is a huge added bonus to help spreading the word.
Not only do we have some crypto influencers coming in and supporting us for launch, we have a lot of long-term poly-athletes and fighting legends helping us promote. We’re bringing this outside of crypto to the heart of it all: the ring.

Q2. Can you list 1–3 killer features of this project that makes it ahead of its competitors? What is the competitive advantage your project has that you feel most confident about?

  1. Proven staking “pumpamentals” are enhanced and configured to everyone who owns an NFT and stakes.
  2. You can transfer your stake to another person if you cannot wait out the time duration of your stake.
  3. You can level up/evolve your fighter through staking & equipping NFT wearables.

We have multiple revenue streams for staking and play2earn. Most games only have one or the other.

Q3. Do you have any
1. Telegram Group
2. YouTube channel
3. Tiktok Channel
4. Website
For this project? From where we can learn something? Please share with us link.
Ashton: Here are some helpful links for your research:

👾 Official Links 👾

- Website
- Whitepaper
- Pitch Deck

- Telegram Chat
- Telegram Announcements
- Discord

- Twitter
- TikTok
- Instagram

Q4. What do I need to be able to play CFCFIGHTING? Will there be an entry fee for the #CFCFIGHTING game or will I need to have your NFT or local token on hand?
Ashton: Each NFT at launch will cost 2000 $FIGHT (around $40 USD at IDO price) and those $FIGHT tokens spent are burned. No entry fee- just get your NFT fighter to start!

Q5. Can you tell us about some of the project’s most recent achievements, as well as the ongoing development initiatives, such as market expansion plans, expected applications, and a new future calendar of events?
Ashton: Last weekend, one of our team fighters, Superbon, won a ONE FC world championship title in the 2nd round. We also formed a sweet partnership where we’re giving away $FIGHT allocation and merchandise with
Since we’re so early, we have also been crushing deadlines. We will have NFTs for staking, staking product and dashboard for you all come launch in December. We’re not launching empty handed!!!

Q6. How important is the community to Your project? and How can we collaborate or help share token for the development of the project?
Ashton: More important than everything.

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Altcoin Alerts
Altcoin Alerts

Written by Altcoin Alerts

Quality Projects Research, Project Overviews & Updates, Crypto events. Content posted in this channel should not be considered as investment advice. Always DYOR

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